In Middle-Earth, the Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Hobbits live alongside each other and trade their goods and bits of their cultures. Of course, this also means their different currencies get circulated throughout the whole land. The Middle-Earth Coin Set is a great way to familiarize yourself with the many civilizations of Tolkiens fantasy world. This set includes five officially licensed coins, made from brass, copper, iron, and nickel silver, each from a different region or community appearing in The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. The coins included in the Middle-Earth Coin Set have even been hand-finished to look as though they have been handled and circulated throughout Middle-Earth, and they are perfect for lovers of the world of Tolkien who wish to learn more about it through tangible artifacts.
The coins in this set are as follows:
- Rivendell Moon depicting the trees of gold and silver and an inscription in Sindarin on the back
- Lake-Town 2-Ducat depicting the Master of Lake-Town
- Shire Half-Crown depicting a chestnut tree
- Harad Iron Mumak depicting an Oliphaunt
- Isengard Red Hand of Saruman depicting the open palm of the dark wizard flanked by Dwarf runes
Key Features:
- Includes five coins from various Middle-Earth regions
- Hand-finished to look as though they have been in circulation
- Officially licensed Lord of the Rings product
- Perfect for fans of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien
- Isengard coin made from copper
- Harad coin made from iron
- Shire coin made from brass
- Rivendell and Lake-Town coins made from nickel silver
- Smallest Coin Diameter: 0.79 Inches
- Largest Coin Diameter: 1.22 Inches
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