Nestled in a heart shaped bouquet of roses, a human skull appears with a cross held in its jaw. The Gothic Rose Heart Necklace displays these traditional romantic goth elements in beautiful detail and made of lead free pewter. A wide loop on top of the charm makes it easy to attach to your favorite ribbon, cord, or chain, should you wish to replace the included black cord. Darkened details on its metallic colored surface add dimension to this delicate jewelry piece. Use it as a component for crafting your own DIY jewelry piece, or wear it on a chain as a lovely statement necklace. Its romantic nature also makes this stylish pendant a thoughtful gift for a loved one.
Key Features:
- Depicts a multitude of roses in a heart shape
- Skull with cross in mouth rests in roses
- Romantic gift for gothic enthusiasts
- Beautiful personal accessory
- Includes a black cord for easy wearing
- Made of lead free pewter
- Width: .22 Inch
- Length: .24 Inch
- Weight: .12 Pound
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