The tale of King Arthur is one of the most well-known stories to grace mankind. With his legendary sword, he valiantly led the world into an era of peace. Toast to the magnificent king of Camelot with the Chalice of King Arthur! Crafted from cold cast resin, this medieval goblet is painted by hand to give it a luxurious golden look. Two silver dragons face off on opposite sides of the chalice, their posture emitting an aura of danger. Baroque-style details adorn the majority of the goblet, giving it a regal look worthy of the great King. Ideal for all Arthurian enthusiasts, no medieval home is complete without the Chalice of King Arthur!
Manufactured for decorative purposes only. Not intended for drinking from.
Key Features:
- Inspired by Arthurian legend
- Crafted using high quality materials
- Hand painted to accentuate details
- Features twin dragon accents
- Excellent display piece for home decor
- Made of cold cast resin
- Height: 11 Inches
- Width: 8.5 Inches
- Length: 5 Inches
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