Viking LARP Weapons

When you are looking for high quality LARP weaponry, We are your best bet! Here you can find an excellent variety of Viking LARP weapons inspired by the fierce raiders and warriors of history. We carry pieces like Viking LARP swords and LARP seax, Viking LARP axes, Viking LARP spears, Viking LARP dirks, and Viking LARP shields. A number of these foam latex weapons are inspired by historical and mythological figures like Erik the Red, Beowulf, Ragnar Lothbrok, the Valkyries, and berserkers. Made to be durable, safe, and weather resistant, these role-playing weapons are ideal for LARP combat and training, Renaissance fairs, and theatrical use. Whether you are looking for a Norse LARP short sword or a Danish LARP axe, we are sure to have the perfect option. These Viking weapons also work well for Norman, Anglo-Saxon, and barbarian characters.


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