International Terms and Conditions
If your order will be shipping to another country other than the United States, please make sure you thoroughly read the following information about International shipping and import fees that you will incur.
- Please make sure the items you ordered are legal for you to import. If your country’s Custom Department decides to inspect your package and they find an item that is illegal to your country, such as a replica pistol or a sword cane, they will seize the package and we will not be able to retrieve it for you or provide you with a refund for your order.
- You will incur a brokerage and/or import tax. Also known as Customs & Duties. We are not associated at all with this charge. This is a fee for importing goods from another country into your own country. Import taxes vary from country to country and it depends on things like what the use of the item is, what is the country of origin, etc. To find out more about possible import taxes, please contact your country’s Customs Department before ordering. The brokerage fee is from the company that processes your clearance paperwork in order to get your merchandise passed through your Customs Department.
- If you select UPS as your shipping, then UPS will also broker your package. UPS charges a brokerage fee. This fee, along with any other applicable fees, and your duty tax will be collected by UPS upon delivery.
- We cannot falsely label items as gifts, as a lower value, or anything else that they are not. For insurance purposes, as well as it being the law, we must accurately label each item in your shipment with what it is, what material it is made of, the real value, and the country of origin (where it was originally made).
- If you refuse to pay your brokerage and/or tax, your package will be abandoned by the shipping company. Generally the shipping company will require payment of your brokerage and taxes during delivery. If you do not have the funds available at that time, you can schedule another delivery time with the driver. After so many days if you do not pay the fees, the shipping company will abandon your package and we will not be able to retrieve it for you or provide a refund. Any additional charges due to unpaid Customs fees and/or abandoned packages will be billed to the receiver.
Please feel free to contact our customer service team with any questions or concerns you have regarding International shipping. You can also contact your country’s Customs Department for further information on importing.
By Submitting your order, you are accepting and agreeing to the terms and conditions of International Shipping.