From the malevolent depths of the fathomless ocean, a monstrous, crystallized soul of darkness begins to take shape. The Heart of Cthulhu Necklace showcases the extremities of a sea creature holding an iridescent heart. This large, faceted Swarovski crystal heart possesses a multi-colored effect, encapsulated by polished pewter sculpted into detailed, curling tentacles. Each of the tentacles shows off suction cups along its length, twisting into eye-catching curls near the bottom of the heart crystal. This gothic heart necklace comes on a long dangler chain, making this a simple accessory to add to any outfit you desire.
Key Features:
- Made from fine English pewter
- Depicts heart surrounded by tentacles
- Features Swarovski crystal heart
- Comes on a dangler chain
- Great gothic or steampunk jewelry accessory
- Width: 1.42 Inches
- Height: 2.91 Inches
- Depth: 0.55 Inch
- Chain Length: 33 Inches
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